Starting a family

We are family!


Starting a family.  Who would have thought that just three words could change so much?  It always amazes me that a tiny baby comes into the world with the power to make such enormous changes and to bring so much joy (as well as tiredness)!


Starting a family really does change everything.  New life brings a whole new set of experiences as well as family members.  Babies give people new job titles too!  There are new mummies, daddies and possibly brothers or sisters.  There may also be new grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins and godparents.  And let’s not forget the new friends we make as we share the ups and downs of being new parents; amazing neighbours who help out with babysitting; or work colleagues that bring us a coffee when they see us yawning at the keyboard after another sleepless night!


I particularly love the African proverb which says that it takes a village to raise a child.  This is the most important thing that I learnt on my own journey – that family is important and that ‘family’ comes in many different forms.

Starting a Family

Angela Taylor

Founder of Bathing Bunnies