Friend’s baby announcement

From storks to social media – how do you announce your new arrival?


A friend of mine recently emailed to say that her daughter had given birth to her first grandchild.  Her email got me thinking about how we share ‘baby news’.


In the past, families may have posted a short announcement in the newspaper – and many still do.  Others send cards or make a phone call to their nearest and dearest.  And for members of the royal family, a bulletin is placed on an easel in front of Buckingham Palace!

Friends new baby announcement


Today there are so many other options too – emails and texts, or posts on Facebook and Instagram – the whole world can be part of your special announcement now thanks to social media.  And there are fun options such as birth announcement plaques, stickers and even t-shirts.  The world is truly your oyster!


My favourite though is the method described in European folklore.  If you saw a stork flying over your neighbour’s house, you would know that a new baby had arrived!  And, apparently, you could tempt the stork to visit you by leaving it sweets on the windowsill!  Who needs email?

Friends baby announcement


How ever you decide to announce your baby’s arrival, one thing is for sure – it’s a very special moment and something to cherish.


Angela Taylor

Founder of Bathing Bunnies